L&S Learning Support Services (LSS) has been reorganized into the L&S Instructional Design Collaborative (IDC) and L&S Information Technology Services (ITS).
- To contact L&S’ educational consultants, please visit the IDC website: https://idc.ls.wisc.edu/.
- To contact our IT support consultants, please visit the ITS website: https://its.ls.wisc.edu/.
For the following services, please visit the ITS Customer Service Desk:
- AV Pool
- ITS classroom information
- Requesting a room reservation
- Van Hise InfoLab
The former TechZone team (now Technical Support team) can be found here: https://its.ls.wisc.edu/techsupport/.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send them to info@its.ls.wisc.edu. Thank you.