We invite you to our fourth online workshop session, Active Learning, starting Monday, March 11th!
L&S Learning Support Services is excited to bring you our 2012-2013 online workshop series that explores various special topics in teaching with technology. Through self-paced Learn@UW sessions that span 3-4 weeks, we will provide resources, activities, and discussion forums for each topic.
We invite you to our fourth online workshop session, Active Learning, starting Monday, March 11th!
L&S Learning Support Services is excited to bring you our 2012-2013 online workshop series that explores various special topics in teaching with technology. Through self-paced Learn@UW sessions that span 3-4 weeks, we will provide resources, activities, and discussion forums for each topic.
Our first three sessions, Online Discussions, Media Arts Production, and Blended Learning,
officially ended but will remain open for the rest of the academic year, if you would like to explore any materials from these sessions. To register for the online workshop sessions, please see the attached instructions (also at the bottom of this news story).
Please see our LSS Facebook event, the LSS website, and LSS on Twitter @UWLSS for more details and updates on the online workshops. Email Theresa to be added to the workshop email list to receive email updates and reminders about the workshop sessions. Missed last year’s Principles and Practices seminar series? Check out the wrap-up videos and news stories.
We are looking forward to talking about active learning starting next week, and we hope that you will join us!
Self-registration directions
If you have a UW NetID:
Login to Learn@UW: https://learnuw.wisc.edu
Click Self Registration link at top right of page.
Click on the link for our course: “Special Topics in Teaching with Technology.”
Click button to “register” for the course.
required registration information: nickname, homepage, department,
first name, last name, email. address. Click “submit.”
Click “Finish.”
Fill in your name and email in the “Request info” box.
In the same box, select “other” as your school/college.
For the “Course info” box, enter “Special Topics in Teaching with Technology” as the course name.
Enter “1941251” in the Course OU# field.
Select Non-UW Visitor from the drop down menu for your account type.
Click “submit” button at the bottom of the form.
Typically within one business day you will receive an email from a Learn@UW support agent with your visitor login information.
Follow the instructions for UW people, making sure you login through the “visitor” link.