Ashley Cook and Sarah Shaw, current Online Learning TAs, reflect on what its like to work for Learning Support Services in the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ashley and Sarah describe what inspires them about their positions, discussing office culture and some of the challenges of working in educational technology, and giving advice to future LSS Online Learning TAs.
Episode 15: LSS Audio Studio
A small audio studio housed in Van Hise Hall’s Learning Support Services provides faculty, TAs, and graduate students an outlet to record footage for instructional and creative needs. This podcast feature gives a brief account of a couple ways the studio was used in the fall 2017 semester. Additionally, David Macasaet, LSS’s media-specialized consultant, talks about who the studio is designed to serve and its broad functionality.
Episode 14: LSS Digital Media Library
Kyle Johnson, Learning Support Services TA, interviews Mary Prochniak about the Digital Media Library that she curates. Mary is also responsible for digitizing media for teaching-related needs. The two discuss Mary’s long tenure in LSS, along with the services that are provided for faculty and TAs within the College of Letters and Science. LSS’s large foreign film collection is also highlighted, which is available to all students, staff, and teachers.
Episode 13: Active Learning Case Study
Steel Wagstaff (LSS) talks with Takako Nakakubo (East Asian Languages & Literature) about a very successful active learning assignment she has used in a Japanese language course that she teaches. They discuss instructional design, what students learned from the assignment, and the insights that these student projects gave her into the benefits of using active learning in her teaching. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 12: Active Learning in Blended and Online Courses [part 2]
Steel Wagstaff (LSS) continues his conversation about active learning in blended and online courses with Greg Downey (Journalism and Mass Communication, Library and Information Studies) and Brad Hughes (UW-Madison Writing Center). Brad and Greg detail several practical ideas for incorporating active learning into blended and online courses, with a special emphasis on writing and reflection activities. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 11: Active Learning in Blended and Online Courses [part 1]
Steel Wagstaff (LSS) talks with Greg Downey (Journalism and Mass Communication, Library and Information Studies) and Brad Hughes (UW-Madison Writing Center) about how their experiences with blended and online courses have impacted their views of student engagement, the importance of active learning, and the power of connection. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 10: Active Learning in Large Lecture Courses
Steel Wagstaff (LSS) talks with Janet Batzli (Biocore), David Baum (Botany), and David Zimmerman (English) about active learning strategies and practical ideas for large lecture courses and laboratory settings. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 9: Learning to Draw [Active Learning Profile]
In this special video podcast, Steel Wagstaff (LSS) interviews UW undergraduate Bill Costello about his active learning experiences as a student and learns to make a charcoal drawing of a lightbulb with hands-on instruction from Bill. The film was photographed and edited by David Macasaet (LSS) and was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 8: Active Learning in Small to Mid-sized Courses [Part 2]
In this episode, Steel Wagstaff (LSS) continues his discussion with Jim Brown (English), Mary Claypool (French and Italian), and Beth Fahlberg (Nursing) about active learning, focusing specifically on practical ideas to engage beginning learners or novices. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.
Episode 7: Active Learning in Small to Mid-sized Courses [Part 1]
In this episode Steel Wagstaff (LSS) facilitates a discussion with Jim Brown (English), Mary Claypool (French and Italian), and Beth Fahlberg (Nursing) three UW-Madison instructors about active learning in small to mid-sized courses and discussion sections in their various disciplines. This podcast was initially produced for the Special Topics in Teaching with Technology course.