Happy Cyber-Security Month!

Better anticipated for Halloween, October is also Cyber Security Month. Instead of ghosts and goblins, beware of malware, viruses, and lost data. To celebrate Cyber Security Month, LSS will feature of series of stories and tweets related to computer and data security. We’ll show you how to mitigate your chances of system compromise through a variety of proactive methods.

Better anticipated for Halloween, October is also Cyber Security Month. Instead of ghosts and goblins, beware of malware, viruses, and lost data. To celebrate Cyber Security Month, LSS will feature of series of stories and tweets related to computer and data security. We’ll show you how to mitigate your chances of system compromise through a variety of proactive methods.

Our first tip is to keep your browser up-to-date. Most browsers will prompt you when an update is available. Sometimes there is a setting to tell the browser to automatically install the updates. Security updates are common for web browsers and easy to put off. Like me, you might feel like there is never a good time to restart my browser, but browser security is important.

Qualys BrowserCheck website, http://browsercheck.qualys.com, will check your browser and some plugins. Visit the URL and click the Scan button to check your browser. Accept the Service User Agreement when prompted. If you have an insecure version, just click Fix It to update.

qualys screenshot


More information about this website can be found in the DoIT KnowledgeBase at https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=19088. If you’re in the College of Letters & Science at UW-Madison and would like more information about security, you can contact your local IT support or Susan Weier, L&S Learning Support Services.