Our 2012-2013 Teaching with Technology online workshop is now its own website, and we can’t wait for you to take a look (we’re pretty excited about it ourselves). Find it here: teachingwithtech.lss.wisc.edu
Our 2012-2013 Teaching with Technology online workshop is now its own website, and we can’t wait for you to take a look (we’re pretty excited about it ourselves). Find it here: teachingwithtech.lss.wisc.edu
L&S Learning Support Services’s Instructional Technology Consulting team created a faculty development workshop series in 2011 that started as face-to-face sessions and transitioned to an online-only module format in the 2012 academic year. This series explores various special topics in teaching with technology, pedagogy, and course design. We facilitated this online workshop through month-long Learn@UW sessions that provided resources, activities, and discussion forums for each topic. The 2012-2013 modules were Online Discussions, Media Arts Production, Blended Learning, and Active Learning.
These Learn@UW sessions were so successful that we decided to give them their own webpage so that they could be accessible outside of the Learn@UW course. We are planning another sequence of modules in Learn@UW in Spring 2014, so the series will continue to grow and transform. Check back with us in January 2014 for news about the Spring 2014 modules!
Please see the LSS website for more details and updates on the online workshop series. The Learn@UW sessions are no longer facilitated but remain open, if you are a UW-Madison member and would like to explore any of those sessions within Learn@UW. Email Theresa for questions or to be added to the workshop email list to receive email updates and reminders about the workshop sessions. Missed the 2011-2012 seminar series, too? Check out the wrap-up videos and news stories.