At the beginning of October, Learning Support Services hosted a workshop to reintroduce the many campus resources and support units available to all instructors, highlight practical ways in which the support resources covered can be used, and provide examples of how instructors just like you have used them in the past.
New UW instructors and TAs are inundated with training, tips, and pedagogical suggestions during their first semester, a lot of which is forgotten in the mad rush that is the first week of classes. But as the adrenalin tapers off, many settle into an instructional rut, flailing about for new ideas to keep students engaged, and classrooms stimulating. Fear not! We can break free from this instructional malaise using those very University support services we forgot about after the training sessions were long over.
Very briefly, the workshop discussed how to navigate the UW teaching resource landscape and explored five prominent campus instructional resources: Teaching and Learning Excellence (TLE), UW Teaching Academy, Designlab, UW Libraries, Learning Support Services (LSS), DoIT, and the Writing Center.
To find out more about the strategies and details of the workshop: 1) look at the workshop’s Prezi, which walks you through the workshop’s highlights, 2) read the workshop handout, which provides a brief synopsis of each instructional resource as well as links to their websites, or 3) click on the resource links below.
The Prezi is now available online – Click Here!
The workshop handout is also available – Click Here!
Links to support groups covered by workshop: